Lv04's Blog

Just another site

Archive for the day “February 16, 2012”


My time with the 2 kids is irreplaceable. It’s also hectic but precious. When we come home from Roywood for lunch, it is very busy. Not only do I have to prepare Z’s lunch but I also have to keep V happy. There are a lot of trips to be made through the front door – Z, his stroller seat and the diaper bag, V in the carseat, and lastly, the stroller frame. How many was that – 4, right? Yeah, that’s 8 trips, in and out.
As I came in to the house, I found Z sitting in the baby swing using my Blackberry phone to watch Blue Man Group. He even closed the tray to put the phone on.

What’s for lunch? Breakfast actually. Yes, I made an omelette and hot dogs for Z. And it looks like V is also on the table. She refused to sit in the swing, Bumbo, or her recliner. I think she likes being the centre of attention. You think?


While Z napped, I watched Prison Break and nursed V. She fell asleep and so I held her for 1hr 10 min. She was toasty and happy when she woke.

It’s not easy to ask Z to pose with V sometimes. I was sitting on the floor with V in front of me between my legs when Z asked for a muffin. I had wanted him to sit like that with V before so I thought of getting him to sit with her while I got his muffin. Well, it worked very well and did they ever look cute!

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