Lv04's Blog

Just another site

Archive for the month “April, 2014”


Tonight, as M and I sat watching Game of Thrones, I filled out camp forms. Both kids are going to camp this summer. I can’t believe V is going to be three this year. Wow. Time flies.

I needed to find Z’s swim badge level from last summer and had to flip through his scrapbook. It was from here that I started to reminisce about the past – when they were little. It made me miss being a stay-at-home mom when I was on mat leave. In all honesty, if money was not an issue, I’d stay home with the kids till they were old enough to go to school.

I also missed blogging – specifically doing the 365 post. I have not been taking enough photos, simply because my phones storage is limited. But I love both if them.

Here’s something worth looking at. My precious ones’ faces.




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