Lv04's Blog

Just another site

Archive for the day “March 11, 2012”


We bought V some swimsuits and bikini sets from Once Upon a Child. After we got home, we made her model 2 of them. So cute. Then I let her have some naked time. She loved it.


While wearing V in a wrap, M and I got silly and gave V hair using mine. We were laughing so hard and I bet she didn’t even know what was going on!

While we were being silly, Z was running around in his hockey helmet, wearing his new skivvies and his fuzzy crocs until he fell and tripped, causing one of his crocs to come off. He laughed about it.

When his nose started running and he got sweaty, I offered to take his shirt off and just relax with the iPad. He was also eating an peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookie.

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